Keele Work in Progress Call for Papers

We would like to remind you about the Humanities Work in Progress
Seminars that will be running throughout the year at Keele University.

The Research Institute for the Humanities’ Work in Progress seminar
series provides an opportunity for postgraduate students in the
Humanities to present current research and receive feedback from
fellow postgraduates and staff in a welcoming peer-led, supportive
environment. The interdisciplinary nature of Keele Postgraduate Work
in Progress seminars encourages academic exchange between disciplines
and can also benefit students who would like to receive insightful
feedback and perspectives from outside of their research field. The
seminar series welcomes work at various stages of development,
providing an engaging and creative forum to voice research ideas,
methods, and generate discussion.

We are currently looking for any PGT and PGR students who would like
to present for our Autumn/Winter seminar programme. Slots are for 20
minute papers/presentations and a 10 minute Q & A/ discussion period
so that speakers can receive constructive feedback on research in an
informal, friendly setting, and we will also be serving tea and coffee
and sandwiches.

The Work in Progress seminars will be held once a month. If you would
be interested in presenting a paper in the Autumn/Winter programme
seminars will be held on Wednesday 19th November 2014, and Wednesday
17th December 2014. We still have speaking slots available on these
dates. Or, if you are interested in presenting at a later date then
please do contact us via the following email address: You can also find us on Twitter:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Gemma Scott, Hannah Bayley, Jo Taylor and Rob Croton

The Work in Progress Team